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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Make Your Own Happiness

What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me.
--Helen Keller

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
--Mohandas Gandhi

Sometimes I need a little reminder that happiness isn't going to be a product of finally having the right job, or the right house, or a child, or a husband, or lots of money. Sometimes I need a reminder that this is my real life. Right now. With my imperfect house and my imperfect job and my imperfect attempts at being a good wife and mom.

This is it.

And if I want "it" to be happy, I need to work at creating that happiness. Bit by bit, piece by piece, moment by moment.

What are you waiting on to be happy? Stop waiting--start creating!


  1. I came to take a peek at your blog because you are sending readers my way. I like your happiness project. Even in the midst of the most terrible sadness, the opportunity for happiness seems to co-exist. I might add commandments to Spend Time in Nature and Physically Move to my list but I love all of your commandments.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I really enjoy your blog, and the Autism Games website. What a service you are doing for parents and their children with autism! And I agree with your ideas to spend time in nature and to move more! I've actually been considering adding "Experience Nature" as happiness commandment # 11, but I have to let the OCD side of me be okay with losing the "round number" of only 10 commandments first. :)
