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Friday, September 10, 2010

Funny Flanna Quotes (and one more)

Cleaning up her dolls, I picked up her Dora that smells like strawberries and said, "This baby smells good."
To which Flanna replied,
"She gets that from the Strawberry side of the family."

While I was cooking: "Mom, how big is God?"
and later, "God must be as big as a giant dinosaur!"

Reading a book about Franklin's favorite blue blanket, I asked Flanna what her favorite thing to cuddle with was, and she said,
"My mommy!"

And one more quote, not from Flanna, but from a kiddo at my new school:

A teacher was helping a preschooler catch up to his classmates in line in the hallway. He asked where they were going, and she said they were heading to the preK "morning meeting" where they could get all the information they needed so they could know what the day would be like today. To which he replied,
"Aww man, I hate information!"

What made you laugh today?

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