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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Forget not the Beauty of the In-Between

Moving is such hard work!  But we did it--we made it to Georgia, and we unloaded our stuff!  We're storing our furniture at a friends's house and are staying with family for the summer while we house-hunt.  So, at least for a few weeks, we're done with lugging heavy boxes around, yay!

This morning, I got up early and took the dogs outside for a bit, and listening to the birds chattering in the woods, I was just transported right back to my childhood here in Georgia--how I'd wake up with windows open to a slight breeze, sun streaming through, and the busy sounds of the forest floating in.  

It's so nice to be back home.  And the best part is all the time we're getting to spend with family and good friends.  I know we'll look back on this transition summer--living with family, looking for a home of our own-- one day and will treasure the closeness we got to have with our family.   Once we have our own place, we'll have to plan times to see them once more, and the little everyday moments of shared experience won't be so common.

This whole time we've been moving, this little quote keeps popping up in my head, (from my favorite song of all time, which is also the inspiration for my blog title)

"I want to be champion of evening, to forget not the beauty of the in-between."

Forget not the beauty of the in-between.

I often try to rush things, to get to the next step, to keep growing and accomplishing and getting things settled and determined and decided.  But sometimes, there is also beauty in the in-between.  

What transition are you appreciating (or maybe not so much appreciating yet?) right now?  A new baby, recovery from surgery, moving, traveling, a new job?  Let the in-between be just that, and enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. Just so glad you are there and that you still have the mind set to treasure moments for the simplest of reasons.
    I put a bird bath in our yard here along with a feeder. Being the hottest spring in recorded history here in Austin, the birds have made good use of the water and seed. It's been over 100 day after day. So that is my in between, in between my work I go out there, cherish and love the world of birds in this hot, dry place.
