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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Be in the Moment, VBS Style

Last week, Flanna and her sweet cousins participated in vacation bible school at my sister's church.  The girls really seemed to enjoy themselves.  They did a show for all the parents at the end of the week, and it was really adorable.  It had been a busy day for me, a busy day for my sister, a busy day for my husband, a busy day for my cousin and her kiddos, and just a generally crazy week for lots of us, but I really tried to check all my thoughts and worries at the door and just focus on the performance.  And what a performance it was!

The girls (almost all of the cousins around here are girls!) sang songs that my sister and her friends at VBS had taught all the children, along with sign language and hand movements for most of them.  It was amazing to see all they'd learned in just a week.  After living far from our family for the past two years, it kind of got me teary eyed sitting there in the crowd next to my cousin, watching our girls up there on the stage together with my sister while Robi ran around the sanctuary snapping photos of each of them.  It was really a moment of family for me, which I've missed.

And the best part was that, when the kids sang "God loves YOU!" and pointed, Flanna pointed at my sister every time and just grinned at her.

So many sweet moments, and I'm trying to take note of them as this busy life flies by.

My sister leading songs

Cousin time!

How do you prompt yourself to be in the moment more often?

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