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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Children in Action....

tend to stay in action!

My mom this week made the comment that she just couldn't catch a good photo of Flannery, because Flanna never pauses to pose for a picture--she just flits around her little world.  It's so true!  In a lovely way!

There is this song by the Weepies that reminds me of her--

"Always been like a hummingbird, and I can't keep still.   Listen up, love, listen up--I never will."  

Flanna always is like a hummingbird, dancing from one spot to the next, humming her little sweet songs, noticing something beautiful and interesting, showing us, and then flitting off again to go and see and discover and notice more.  She is so full of life and is genuinely excited and curious and passionate about the world.   I can just see her as an adult-- all spark and light, lost in the excitement of whatever amazing thing she will be creating--be it a piece of art, or a captivating story, or an interesting scientific breakthrough, or an amazing piece of architecture, or whatever it is.  Whatever she chooses to do, I do think she'll be a generator--a creator of something new and interesting and beautiful and captivating--that is just what she loves to do, to create things.  

Anyway, I am digressing, when I meant to just post a few photos.  A week off work will get me into uber-reflective mode, it seems!  

And now, off to bed--work tomorrow, bright and early!

What characteristic do you think defines you?  Are you humming-bird like?  Or like me?--more like a mama hen who likes to hang out at home sitting in her nest or pecking slowly around her yard?  :)  

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