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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My New Favorite Thing in the World, and Stress!

My new favorite thing in the world is the No Time for Flash Cards blog.  So many ideas there!  My favorite lately is their fine art memory game--too cool!  I want to do all their little activities with Flannery--if only there were more time in our day!

Right now, we're just packing and organizing and Craigslisting to get ready to move, so that doesn't leave much time for fun learning activities for Flanna.  I feel awful resorting to movies and video games so I can get some packing done!  But I guess a week of TV and iPad fun for her isn't the end of the world in the grand scheme of things. We move in less than a week!  Oh, my!  Can you feel the stress?

What's your favorite packing/moving tip or trick?  I'd love to hear! 


  1. You would think I would have tons of advice about moving (I've done it so many times I have lost count). One thing I do is wrap my dishes in towels and wash clothes. I even packed things between layers of clothes that I was worried would break. Pillows and blankets work also for large delicate items. Kind of kills two birds with one stone. For the stress, just remember, you will move, something will get broken, but life will go on, and hopefully for the better. At the end of this stress is your family and friends......close enough to invite to your new house warming party....nice!

  2. Good advice, mom! Thanks! I've been wrapping our art in towels, and breakables in washcloths. Also, I think I remember dad saying to pack all the heavy boxes on the truck first to put the bulk of the weight right behind the cab of the truck. And that's a good way to look at it...something will break, but life will go on! :)
