I cleaned out my daughter's closet over the weekend. Oh, dear. So many clothes that don't fit anymore. So many shoes that she has outgrown. So many toys that she is getting too big for. My hallway is now lined with bags of things to donate: some to hand down to cousins, some for Goodwill, others to take to my work. When will I have time to deal with those tasks? I just barely had time to clean out a closet, hah! It can be overwhelming, all the tasks to be done! But then this evening, as I mulled over my weekly schedule and tried to pencil in Goodwill drop-offs, I realized that I should be thankful that we live in such an abundantly luxurious time, when shoes and jeans and books and toys are actually reasonably affordable. And I should be grateful that my sweet girl worked hard during a weekend to sort and organize, and was even agreeable about donating her hand-me-downs (which never usually happens! She normally wants to save every shiny gum wrapper, hah!) Abundance, and outer order, are gifts.
Each morning when I wake up, I try to thank God for several specific things. I am thankful for my family, for my home, for my dog, for my strong body. For rain. For organized closets. And even if it's rainy out and I have to step over 3 Goodwill bags on my way to the coffee maker, I really do find that when I notice gifts and name them, I am happier with my lot in life.
What gifts have you noticed this week?
So hard to squeeze in everything when you work full time. You do a great job of it though, and with grace!